Who We are and Why We are Here

Written by Drea 

Poor House Love is a blog about, you guessed it, LOVE!

Andrea and Riley met a few years back and have been building a life together ever since.

Riley is paralyzed from the chest down, though you might not realize that right away because he is impressively agile. He uses a wheelchair for mobility and has caregivers assist him around our home with their extra set of hands. While our love is extraordinary, our life is, well, actually quite ordinary (in a good way). So we often wonder- Why is it that so many people, perfect strangers, even, love to ask us questions about this love life of ours? People seem SO curious!

So, here we are. Baring it all on the world wide web! By sharing bits and pieces of our story, we aim to show that love comes straight from the heart, and has neither rules nor barriers. We are here to share the joys and the triumphs, as well as the hard times. We are here to be real and in between all of the talk about wheelchair/paralysis stuff, you can find posts sharing our love for accessible design, cooking, nutrition, gardening, action sports, and more.

Thanks for checking us out! Please Like, Comment, and Follow us on our journey!



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